Travel reporting should be useful. It should be able to give you the full picture of your travel across the whole of your business. It should give you insights into when, where and how you travel. You should be able to interrogate the data to get answers quickly. Flat PDF reports simply listing what you booked last month are pointless, even excel reports with pivot tables, whilst better, are not enough. A modern reporting system will enable you to fully visualise your travel with the ability to deep dive into data, identify savings opportunities, help shape your travel policies and witness compliance.
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Intelligent Reporting In Real Time
Full Analytical travel reporting is essential. Spreadsheets, Pivot Tables, Flat Graphs are yesterdays news. Smarter insights drive savings and shape travel policies. Visually evidence the effects of modified behaviour to drive change and encourage compliance. Know what’s happening now, not just in the past. Get access to real-time analytics so you’re always up to date with relevant travel information. Explore your data through stunning, interactive visualisations. Create and filter your own views of multi-level data to instantly see the data that matters to you.
Filter and target your data to specific audiences, be that by cost centres, projects, departments etc. Deliver specific reports with only the data that audience needs. Export your data for use in other systems. Monitor spend, savings, performance, supplier use, policy compliance and more. From any desktop or mobile device.
Find out more and get answers to those nagging questions, please get in touch today. Call us on +44(0)1784 254850, or send us an email through our online contact form.