It may seem a strange topic to discuss, it’s not, administration matters. Whilst it might not be obvious administration of your travel has a cost. Within your company people are spending time, energy and resources to enable your travel. From booking, allocating to budgets, payments, reconciliation, expenses, authorising, tracking and more. This has a hidden cost that is not inconsiderable. It makes sense to be able to simplify things to be as low touch as possible.
Our platform or agents save you time and the hassle of searching and booking travel even if you push that responsibility to others, it has to be paid for, so use the platform to book as efficiently as possible, see how, starting here or use an agent to do the work for you. Then, travel needs to be paid for and assuming that cost is borne by the company someone has to make that payment. if you use company cards, ask the person who reconciles that account how easy it is, if your company travels even relatively little, be assured it is not easy, it is frustrating and it is time consuming. Personal card, someone has to reimburse you or have some other process. Things often crop up long after the event, client billing, budget queries, who went where and when on that project, how much was spent etc. You may think that booking business travel outside of a managed program is doing the company a favour, if your company travels for business fairly often, you are simply creating more work for the business and probably spending more. Learn how administration can be minimised and how you can implement low touch processes to control travel automatically and save money on core costs and overheads.
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