When booking business travel either using our online booking tool or directly through an agent , We are able to filter the search criteria to suit your personal needs.

The search criteria and subsequent filters will compare all flight options,From different carriers and also nearby airports. Furthermore it will mix and match airlines , airports, classes of travel, baggage all in one booking flow. This enables the travel booker to search for “best price” options and help keep travel cost down.

Fares are pulled direct from airlines, websites, NDC channels and industry sources. Policy guidence and control is always included in these filters.

An example from our booking tool is set out below.


Split Ticketing

Not only can you mix and match airlines , you can mix and match airports in order to stick to budgets. For example travel out from London Heathrow back in to Gatwick and vice versa. Additionally our booking tool can add more than one bag per sector of your flight to suit your individual needs , and as previously mentioned all in one booking flow saving time and money. For more information visit our website www.uniglobegemini.co.uk  alternatively to book a demo please complete the form below.

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